Know Everything About Water Heaters That Have Magnesium anode - Perth

 You must know that every water heater has anode rods installed within them. These anode rods are made out of steel temporarily and are covered with castings of several metals. These anode rods are made so that they can only last for three (maximum five) years, depending on the water quality that it is withstanding regularly.

Water heaters have various kinds of metals on rod anode; Perth is the home to the largest manufacturers of magnesium anode rods for water heaters. In this article, you will get to know everything related to the magnesium anode rods in your water heater.

Use Of Magnesium Anode Rods In Water Heater

When you go out to the market to purchase a water heater, you will often find that the seller is telling you about the anode rods that have been installed within the particular appliance. So you will often get to hear the term 'magnesium anode.' However, it would be best to remember that anode rods are made out of two other materials besides magnesium - zinc, and aluminum.

Nevertheless, magnesium anodes are manufactured extensively. These magnesium rods help soften the water heater's water quality and prevent metal liner corrosion. So the magnesium rod works as an anode, and the metal liner works as a cathode for the water heater.

Installing Magnesium Anode In Water Heater

Unlike other anode rods, magnesium anodes have a perfectly different installation method in the water heater. However, there are two types of installation methods:

      It is installed parallel or side by side within the heating tube.

      It is installed in the position of a sewage outlet.

To Conclude

The magnesium anode rod should stay in a closed position to the inner tank. Like other anode rods, magnesium anodes also have a fixed lifespan and also require regular inspection and replacement, as required.


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