Things To Know Before You Undergo Reduction Breast Surgery Korea

 If your genetics and your physical buildup graced you the gift of large breasts, then you probably feel thrilled. However, bigger isn’t always better, especially when it comes to your chest and subsequent aches in your shoulder, back, and neck. There are several downsides of having large breasts as explained by the specialists of Breast Surgery in Korea. You don’t want to spend the rest of your life with chronic back pain and excessive sweating in the under-breast region. Indeed, some small-breasted girls will envy you, but they will hate the problems that you are facing. You can always opt to undergo breast reduction surgeries, but there is much to learn about it before you decide anything.

Meeting the requirements

Providers of Aesthetic Surgery Korea won’t even accept you as a valid candidate unless you had a BMI of twenty-five or less for more than two years. You probably tried wearing personalized lingerie, visited a physiotherapist for your backaches, and suffered from intertrigo or infection and redness under your breasts. In short, you have to prove to the doctors that you need the surgery sorely because you tried everything else. If you visit a private plastic surgery facility that conducts breast reduction procedures, then the doctors there will require a complete understanding of the reasons that made you choose this treatment. Only then the physicians will try to manage your expectations accordingly.

No alphabetical reduction

You probably believe that breast reduction surgery will allow you to wear a smaller bra. For instance, if you wore a D-sized bra, then after the surgery you will shrink to a C-sized bra. However, Breast Surgery Korea doesn’t work that way. You need to have rational expectations from the procedure. You should also relay your vision to the doctor. You will hope to be flexible about imagining the size of your bra, but it is extremely difficult to predict your size before the procedure. Even the best plastic surgeon in the world won’t be able to tell you your size ahead of surgery. You should pay more importance to the symmetry and balance of your new breasts so that they complement your overall physical structure.

Not unbearably painful

According to the experts of Aesthetic Surgery in Korea, patients feel some soreness for the first few days after the procedure. The pain is perfectly tolerable, but you must remember that the after-effects of surgery won’t mark the end of it. Previous patients say that the little things can wear you down. For example, the feeling that accompanies the removal of stitches or the itchiness of the scars can be quite off-putting. The patients also say that these issues are perfectly manageable. They gained something worthwhile for which they didn’t mind putting up with these minor problems. Once the procedure is complete and when you’re driving back home, make sure that you take the less bumpy roads.

Recovery period

Your surgeon will tell you how much time you have to spend away from work. It generally lasts somewhere between two to four weeks depending on the work that you do. They will also tell you how long you have to wear that post-surgery bra, and when you will be able to return to normal activities. You need someone to take over all the work in the house, including household chores, shopping, and childcare. You will remain more tired than usual for the first few weeks and you won’t be able to exercise for the first six weeks either.



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