How to reduce trademark fees in India?

 The patent is the right granted for an invention of a product or process to provide a new solution to the existing problem. For example, inventing a new medicine like Viagara by the company enables it to get the patent license for not anyone to sell it in any form or name until a specific period. It gives the invented company that spent a lot of time, money, and effort in research to make such new products to reap the profits. But getting patent licensing in India is easier said than done, as it involves many complex formalities that give a chance for several errors. Trademark, also referred to as a service mark, is a word, symbol, phrase or design, or combination that helps recognize goods or services. An example is the “just do it” phrase for Nike or the Pepsi symbols that distinguish it from others. Getting patent licensing makes getting trademarks for products and services easy in India.

This article will discuss trademark fees in India for physical and online filing under the many classes and the limits for getting 50% discounts.

What is one-class and multiclass trademark registration?

Trademark law in India defines 45 classes for registering trademarks for goods and services. Those wanting to get a trademark applying for it under the suitable class are essential for the government authorities not to reject it for the wrong class. Out of the 45 classes, 35 are for goods, and the last ten is for services. Some goods fall under one class, as dresses fall under class 24 of textiles and class 25 of clothing. It is essential to apply for multiclass rather than the one-class or common trademark application in such cases.

What are the trademark fees in India for one-class and multiclass applications?

With 45 classes, confusion is common about marking the classes for getting trademark registration easily and fast with no rejections. The best trademark lawyers will help solve the mystery of either filing the trademark registration for each class the products fall with one class or through multiclass applications. Also, the products fall into the multiclass application to know whether it is cheaper to group the classes. Though the fees for both one-class and multiclass applications are the same, there are other advantages and disadvantages.

  • One-class physical filing of a trademark for an individual startup and small enterprise is Rs. 5,000 and Rs. 4,500
  • All other companies applying for registered trademarks not falling under small enterprises or startups should pay a fee of Rs. 10,000 for physical and Rs. 9,000 for online
  • The startups must have started less than five years after applying for trademark registration and have an annual turnover of less than Rs. 25 crores and working towards innovation, and development of new products and services
  • Small enterprises could be small manufacturing enterprises with less than Rs. 5 crore investment in machinery or small service enterprises with investment in manufacturing not exceeding Rs.2 crores.

The above facts will help anyone avail of the reduction for the trademark fees in India and get the registration fast and easy with the help of the best lawyers.



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