What Are the Common Types of Plastic Machinery?

The plastic molding processing technology is used widely in producing several high-tech products like displays, auto parts, mobile phones, optical lenses, and other daily necessities. The plastic molding process technology is becoming more and more popular by the day.

As per the plastics production process, household plastic product-making machines can be divided into four categories: plastic compounding machinery, plastic molding machinery, plastic secondary processing machinery, and plastic processing auxiliary machinery. 

Types of Plastic Machinery 

There are multiple types of plastic machinery, but some of the common ones are as follows:

  • Extruder machines 

The extruder machine forces out the molten plastic via a fixed-shaped extrusion port under the action of a screw and cuts it after being shaped by water cooling. This machine is mostly used to continuously produce multiple products like rods, pipes, and profiled materials. 

  • Injection molding machines

Compared to pipe fittings making machines, the injection molding machine injects molten plastic into the mold, forming the product after cooling. This machine has a different range of uses.

This is one of the most used processing machines in the plastics processing industry. This machine can not only produce a large number of products but is also an important piece of equipment for the injection stretch blowing process. 

  • Film blowing machines 

This machine heats and melts plastic particles and then blows them into a film. There are different types of film blowing machines like POF, PE, and many more. The new material is blown out with new particles, the color is clean and uniform, and most importantly, the bag stretches well. 

Some people use recycled plastic bags to make particles, and such particles are known as old materials. When they are transformed into particles, they are gray, and when bags are made, pigments are usually added to make the bags brittle, easy, and unevenly colored. 

  • Blow molding machines 

This is a common method for manufacturing hollow thermoplastic products, and some of the main products are hollow containers and tube films. This is not similar to pipe fittings making machines, and this machine mobilizes the preformed product by heating and then entering the mold to blow molding. 

This method is used mainly for high-speed and high-yield PET bottles, and BOPP bottle production can be a two-step process. Blow molding can even be combined with the injection molding procedure to become an injection stretch blow integrated machine.  

It is also a common method for producing PET containers, and the blow molding process can also be combined with the extrusion process. This equipment also has a wider range of applications and can produce more products. 

Some of the products might include multilayer composite films and different polyolefin hollow containers widely used in the food, medicine, and cosmetics industries.

Bottom line

For the best household plastic product-making machines, you can contact your area's best plastic product-making manufacturer. The company that you will choose needs to have a unique and effective standard operating protocol for manufacturing plastic injection molding machines. 

Source: https://dailybusinesspost.com/what-are-the-common-types-of-plastic-machinery/


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