When is the Best Time to Meet a Fertility Doctor?

 It can be challenging to plan for pregnancy, and if you are ready for a baby but cannot get pregnant, you need to explore different options. Infertility can affect both men and women in equal manners, and in all couples, there is a chance that either the male or female can have fertility problems. 

When you cannot get pregnant, it is not uncommon to get worried, and this is when you need to meet a fertility doctor, Naples. In this article, you will learn when is the best time to associate with a fertility specialist. 

Reasons or Appropriate Times to Meet a Fertility Doctor

Some reasons and times you must meet a fertility expert are as follows:

  • You had sex without birth control for a year, and there was no conception 

As per the average thumb rule, it takes around five to six months to conceive. If you are less than 35 and have had unprotected sex for a year, you may have to meet a fertility doctor in your area. 

  • You are more than 35 

As a woman ages, the egg's number and quality drop. There are different benefits and drawbacks of aging. 

  1. If you are 35 or more than that and have been trying to get pregnant for six months without birth control, you will need to contact a fertility expert.

  2. If you are 40 or older, you will be counted in the high-risk pregnancy category, and you need to meet a fertility expert as fast as possible. 

  • You had three or more miscarriages. 

Miscarriage is termed as losing your pregnancy within 20 weeks of being pregnant. Most of the time, miscarriages occur when the sperm or egg has the wrong number of chromosomes, so the fertilized eggs cannot develop properly. 

Miscarriages are also caused by early development issues where the eggs do not develop properly in the uterus or have defects. You need to meet with a specialist in Ivf, naples if you have had two or more miscarriages. They can help look after your health while you conceive. 

  • Your partner has trouble maintaining or achieving erections. 

In this case, you need to refer a male fertility expert to your partner. These experts, known as urologists or andrologists, are aware of the male reproductive system. They can help your partner to find a solution to these problems.  

  • You have heavy bleeding, no periods, or irregular periods. 

All these symptoms are caused due to fertility problems, and the reasons for them are as follows:

  1. Periods- You might not be ovulating 

  2. Irregular periods- There might be wrong hormone signals sent from your brain, or it can be due to ovulation problems. 

  3. Bleeding- Bleeding between your periods or after sex can be caused by a fibroid, uterine polyp, and cervical lesion. 

Final Words 

If you are suffering from any of these fertility problems stated above, you need to meet a  fertility doctor, Naples. You need to visit a reputed fertility center in your area and discuss your problems with the experts present there. 


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